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Flexible Health & Wellness Resources

Choose how you want to spend your flex benefits. Clever Care’s flex card puts you in charge.

Our plans include a flex Mastercard® to use towards fitness activities + over-the-counter (OTC) items + herbal supplements.


With Clever Care our fitness benefit is more than just a gym membership. The flex card can be used for golf, Tai Chi, pickleball, dance classes, or your fitness activity of choice!

Looking for a new fitness class? Check out our Community Center monthly calendars for no-charge fitness classes.

Over-the-Counter (OTC) + Herbal Supplement

The flex card can be used in participating stores, online, or through mail order catalogs to buy:

  • OTC items: pain relievers, cold or allergy medication, vitamins, first aid supplies, toothpaste, and more!
  • Herbal supplements: red ginseng, bird’s nest, herbal teas, pain relieving creams, or other extracts and supplements.

Hundreds of items are available to Clever Care members through the flexible allowance benefit. Catalogs and order forms are available in multiple languages for you to download.

General Order Form

Not all of our partners have a unique order form. To order from our partners that do not have a unique order form, the General Order Form can be used.

OTC and herbal supplements are available through other Clever Care-approved vendors. Members can view these additional options by visiting Clever Care’s Member Portal or calling customer service. Members will receive a quarterly allowance. Allowance amounts vary by plan.